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Services for Businesses

Understanding your dependency on natural resources

One way or another your business depends on natural resources. If you are related to the paper-business for instance, your will not only need trees, but you also require water, if you deal with food products, you would want to work with healthy and clean vegetables, fruit and animals for what you will need clean water, soil and air. Even if you work with insurances, you would want to understand how climate change will affect your clients and thus, your operation. This complex service will enable you to understand how you depend on natural resources, what kind of risks you will have to face and what kind of opportunities already exist to eliminate risks both policy and financial-wise.


We lead processes and events ensuring adequate involvement and input as well as sufficient information flow within your company strengthening corporate decision-making processes.

Policy recommendations

We will reveal policy constraints and developments as well as related financial opportunities that help your competitiveness and provide you with an insight.

Experience exchange

We will connect you with technical experts who can specifically tackle your risks and draw attention to the potential challenges and solutions.

Case studies

We will share with you relevant businesses case studies of those who faced and overcame the same or similar challenges, and used them as opportunities.

Understanding your project’s environmental & social impacts

With this complex service, you will see which natural resources or ecosystem services are affected the most by your project and how local stakeholders may react to this, how impacts can be limited and eliminated and for this what potential tools can be used both at financial and policy levels


We lead processes and events ensuring adequate involvement and input as well as sufficient information flow within your company strengthening corporate decision-making processes.

Integration to business strategy

We will integrate the outcomes to your overall corporate strategy regarding sustainable operation, stakeholder involvement and communication to your customers – this will help you to internalize sustainable operation and improve stakeholder involvement, which can be communicated to your customers, increase your employee satisfaction and improve your brand.

Experience exchange

We will connect you with other business or scientific partners for skill- and experience sharing or to receive specific scientific advice – this will help you to understand the current experience in the market and enable you with concrete technical recommendations how to deal with specific challenges.

Case studies

We will share with you relevant businesses case studies of those who faced and overcame the same or similar challenges, and used them as opportunities.

Business and policy opportunities

We reveal business and policy opportunities and requirements at the international, EU and national levels to fulfill the intervention actions or expand further steps throughout your strategies – this will help you see whether your business is thoroughly aligned with EU and national law and discover what financial sources are available to fund your projects or relevant actions.

Project implementation assistance

We identify intervention actions and compile recommendations to adjust your strategy, project implementation and stakeholder involvement to conserve ecosystem services most important to local stakeholders and to mitigate additional risks – this will enable you to avoid expensive legal and financial consequences (eg. compensation) and repetitional loss, mitigate conflicts with local stakeholders and operate more sustainably.

Ecosystem services assessment with stakeholders

We assess ecosystem services including monetary and non-monetary valuation with stakeholder involvement including stakeholder mapping, surveys, interviews and economic/quantitative assessment of ecosystem services – this will help you understand what social and environmental impacts your project has.

Services for Project Partners

We provide a complex package for those who wish to develop joint projects or include us in project development or implementation. With more than 50 large EU, international and national projects with EU and private donors, we are your choice of CEE partner!



Policy expertise


Our Experiences

We have been contributing and carrying out several EU, international and national projects and provided expertise at national and EU processes.

See below our latest projects and our top qualities.

We provide complex services starting from procurement through policy expertise and scientific assessments to result in integration, dissemination and process facilitation.

International Projects Delivered
Years of experience

Our strength

Why to work with us on ecosystem services?

The concept of ecosystem services is relatively new – especially in Central and Eastern Europe -, however we have already had a big chunk of involvement in participating in related processes including the international IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) and the EU’s Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services (MAES) processes along with several EU (FP7, Horizon 2020, Interreg and LIFE projects) and EU expert groups. In our recent ecosystem evaluation projects, we have paid elevated emphasis on involving local stakeholders as well as experts in the evaluation process through participatory approach in order to get better results.

Due to our vast knowledge in UN, EU and national energy, environmental and financial policies, we are here to investigate and disclose the policy hooks and the financial opportunities as well as their recent development in relation to your international project. With a profound understanding of policies and financing as well as their recent trends, you can become an even more agile and highly adaptive player through discovering opportunities you may not have been aware of. We can compile regular briefings in recent and potential policy developments and international financing opportunities for you to follow changes, or we can compose synthesis studies on one or more policy and financing fields.

As certified facilitators and advisors running almost 100 international and national workshops, we can nurture processes from plans to successful completion. With our basic values of candour, respect of opinion and mindful listening, we can make all participants comfortable to share their points openly, which in return help their empowerment and responsibility to carry out the project till the finish.


Good prices

We provide you with flexible prices below the market price. Should you be interested in partnering up with us, please send us a message.


Large network

Due to our cumulative 20 years of international experience we have an extended network of decision-makers, research and businesses at EU and CEE levels.


Specific expert pool

We work with a professional network, who can answer your specific questions, let it be about technical or strategic issues to provide you with a complex service experience.


Knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe

As native Hungarians and experts of the region we are well aware of the challenges of the region – should you need specific work here, we are your right choice.



Our core value is efficiency and effectiveness, which we aim to achieve through time (and money)-saving practices including immediate reactions, thorough preparations and modern project management practices.



We highly depend on our clients, therefore our other core value is to customize tailor-make services to our clients and provide the services our clients truly need and is useful for them.


Science-policy-business interface

As a result of our experience, we have thorough knowledge of all these sectors challenges and needs as well as their main actors. We also aim to tear down the silos and ensure these sectors can reach each other’s information.


Complex scientific and policy services

We know how annoying it is that you are only provided by one piece of information, when you rather would need a complex overview. By providing strategy analysis, project implementation and proposal advice along with financial and policy opportunities, you will get a more thorough picture on both risks and opportunities.


Easy-to-understand outcomes

We would like to make sure you are provided with a thorough analysis, but also with a synthesis that stresses the main messages in an easily understandable way, so you will not need another expert to explain it to you.



More than 15 years of experience in proposal development, project implementation, reporting and impact assessments.

Our Projects

Starting the new year with three Horizon projects

GreenFormation is part of three consortia of three successful Horizon Europe projects. We are very much looking forward to working within these international partnerships, striving to enhance nature and society. Our DAISY project aims to understand how interventions (innovations, regulations, financial incentives, and tools affecting social norms and emotions) and their mixes can drive systemic…

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Co-Bio news: Event series launched to raise awareness about urban biodiversity

GreenFormation Kft., together with Transition Wekerle civil organisation, Kiserdő Egyesület, and volunteers, organised a successful event within the framework of the Co-Bio project’s local case study. We launched a program series called “Wekerle, természetesen!” (Wekerle, naturally!) that aims to provide useful information and practical ideas to Wekerletelep residents, supporting them in taking nature-friendly steps to…

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Co-Bio news: Supporting urban biodiversity through a case study

In the framework of the Co-Bio project, GreenFormation is implementing a local case study in Budapest, aiming to support urban biodiversity. The case study is located in the XIX district in Budapest, called “Wekerletelep” (Wekerle estate), a unique garden suburb with many green areas. We are working in cooperation with local organisations -the Transition Wekerle…

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Highly Qualified Team

Tamara Kovacs

Tamara Kovacs


Tamara graduated in nature conservation engineering and has a keen interest in urban ecosystem services, which was the theme of her thesis, as well. She assessed ecosystem services provided by the green areas of Budapest and contributed to ecosystem services research projects on highways and forest ecosystem services. Tamara also has vast experience working with multinational corporations. She is also a hiking and running fan.
Agnes Zolyomi

Agnes Zolyomi


Agnes has degrees in geography and environmental policy currently pursuing a PhD in ecosystem services and behavior sciences. As an expert of the European Commission and IPBES she has worked on ecosystems, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. Her key expertise is related to qualitative ecosystem services evaluation and environmental policies. She is also a certified organisational developer and facilitator, and a language enthusiast working on Chinese proficiency.
Veronika Kiss

Veronika Kiss


Veronika is an ecologist and has a PhD in environmental economics. She has over 15 years of research and policy experience in the international environmental arena working with the UN, the European Union and national governments. Her key expertise lies in sustainability as well as in ecosystem services quantitative evaluation. She is also an ardent mountain climber and a mum of two.

Contact Us

Should you be interested in our complex services or their certain elements, please send us a message describing briefly your needs or fill out the template below. We will contact you for clarification and introducing various options.

After the more detailed understanding of your isse, we provide you with a more detailed offer with highly competitive, good value for money prices. Please note, we also have opportunities to offer you a reduced complex service price.

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