The Co-Bio (Co-creating Biodiversity in Urban Areas) project, started in October 2023, aims to support the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 with the concrete focus of urban biodiversity. Together with seven partners from all around Europe, GreenFormation will work for enhancing urban biodiversity through co-creative processes. We are responsible for one of the main outcomes of the project: a guide containing relevant knowledge, competences and tools needed for local cross-sector stakeholders to be able to co-create local solutions on urban biodiversity. Beside the guide, partners will formulate a training methodology during the project and train themselves as facilitators in local co-creation. We will them implement and test the developed methodology and guide through six local case projects, one of which will be delivered in Budapest, Hungary by GreenFormation. The project’s duration is 30 months and is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme. In case you would like to receive more information and potential ways of contribution, please contact us here.