EcoystemEvaluation co-funder, Agnes Zolyomi contributed as a contributing-author to the recently published full report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Values Assessment . The assessment aimed to provide an overview of the various values nature holds to enable decision-makers with a more complex understanding of incorporating nature to policies. The assessment highlights that the business-as-usual ruling focus and short-termism on continuous economic growth impedes the consideration of multiple values of nature in policy decisions. The full report is available here.

Author: Greenformation consist of dedicated individuals with a diverse background ranging from ecology through economy and policy to geography. We focus on biodiversity and the well-being of society, sufficient energy use, socio-economic transition and transformation as well as behaviour change. For this we carry out research, we measure impacts, we provide advice and we do projects. We involve multiple stakeholders, we build dialogues and bridges. We bring experience and networks from both Western and Eastern Europe.