In the framework of the Co-Bio project, GreenFormation is implementing a local case study in Budapest, aiming to support urban biodiversity. The case study is located in the XIX district in Budapest, called “Wekerletelep” (Wekerle estate), a unique garden suburb with many green areas. We are working in cooperation with local organisations -the Transition Wekerle civil organisation and Kiserdő Egyesület – and volunteers to implement actions to enhance biodiversity and natural habitats in Wekerletelep. Our efforts focus on providing information, raising awareness about the importance of urban wildlife, and allowing residents to observe and learn about local species.
Simple yet effective measures, such as installing garden ponds and hedgehog houses or creating wildflower beds, can significantly benefit urban wildlife. Therefore, a key aspect of our work is encouraging Wekerle residents to take at least one nature-friendly, practical step to support biodiversity—whether in their own gardens, on their balconies, or in the communal green spaces of apartment buildings. To support these efforts, we offer residents practical ideas, tools, expert knowledge, and community events. The local community centre (Wekerlei Kultúrház) will play a key role in the project by hosting events and transforming its garden into a more biodiversity-friendly space. Additionally, we aim to reintroduce bats to Wekerletelep as natural mosquito repellents, promoting ecological solutions over chemical alternatives. Our hands-on approach will allow residents to gain knowledge through practical, “learning-by-doing” experiences.