We aim to trigger green and social transition and transformation

We consist of dedicated individuals with a diverse background ranging from ecology through economy and policy to geography. We focus on biodiversity and the well-being of society, sufficient energy use, socio-economic transition and transformation as well as behaviour change. For this we carry out research, we measure impacts, we provide advice and we do projects. We involve multiple stakeholders, we build dialogues and bridges. We bring experience and networks from both Western and Eastern Europe.


Ecosystem Evaluation and Nature-based solutions

We have participated in related processes including the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) and the EU’s Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services (MAES) along with several EU projects (Horizon Europe, Interreg and LIFE projects) and EU expert groups. We have been the Commission’s experts on evaluating nature-based solutions and green infrastructure projects. In our ecosystem services assessment projects, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate ecosystem services through deploying literature reviews, interviews, surveys, monetarization tools, and have paid elevated emphasis on involving local stakeholders and experts through participatory approaches.



We have been carrying out research and advocated for sufficient energy use at UN and EU level for 15 years. We analyse the national household energy use of Central and Eastern European countries. We raise the energy sufficiency profiles of international organisations and projects focusing on alleviating energy poverty. We have evaluated national and international energy related programmes from an energy sufficiency point of view. We have developed and disseminated an interactive, awareness raising game towards the needed socio-economic transformation.


Driving social transition & transformation

Understanding individual and institutional choices and behaviour, will help understand how our society steers for an (un)sustainable future. We carry out ground-breaking research on  biodiversity and behaviour to drive social transition and transformation within sectors and society. We identify policy entry points and leverage points at various levels and advocate for just transition and societal change will induce transformation. We aim to contribute to a network of transformation scientists and practitioners EU-wide focusing on climate and biodiversity issues through international projects.

GreenFormation Services

With our experience of leading and participating in over 50 large EU, international and national projects with EU and private donors on the topic of biodiversity, behaviour change, energy and climate change, we provide a range of skills for those who wish to develop joint projects and initiatives. With our knowledge of UN and EU policies on biodiversity and energy, we can also provide policy recommendations. We also bring vast research expertise on various methods and tools to assess nature, energy use and societal well-being related processes. We bring our Central and Eastern European networks and experience, which is often lacking in international consortiums.



Policy expertise

Stakeholder facilitation

Our Experiences

We have implemented EU, international and national projects and carried out socio-economic, ecosystem and energy assessments. We have provided expertise ranging from procurement, project management, policy, stakeholder facilitation, dissemination and scientific assessments.

See our previous and current projects below.

See below our latest projects and our top qualities.

We provide complex services starting from procurement through policy expertise and scientific assessments to result in integration, dissemination and process facilitation.

International Projects Delivered
Years of experience

Why to work with us?

Due to our vast knowledge in UN, EU and national energy and biodiversity related policies and experience in projects, we are here to work on relevant projects as partners. We provide our policy expertise, research knowledge and a relevant network in CEE and beyond. We can lead the policy aspects of projects ranging from advocacy to policy assessments, facilitate stakeholder involvement and assess ecosystems or energy aspects.

As certified facilitators and advisors running almost 100 international and national workshops, we can nurture processes from plans to successful completion. With our basic values of candour, respect of opinion and mindful listening, we can make all participants comfortable to share their points openly, which in return help their empowerment.


Fundraising and procurement experience

Ranging from LIFE through Interreg, Horizon Europe and private donor procurement, we have developed and acquired a number of projects.


Research experience

Coordinating and carrying out research proposals and projects, we have a wide range of experience in working with the Horizon Europe, COST and other research funding mechanisms as well as coordinating large international consortia.


Large network and expert pool

Due to our cumulative years of international experience, we have an extended network of decision-makers, researchers and businesses at EU and CEE levels along with dedicated experts in sustainability, energy and biodiversity.


Knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe

As native Hungarians and experts of Central and Eastern Europe we are well aware of the challenges of the region and the main actors in sustainability, energy and biodiversity.


Complex scientific and policy services and project management

Due to both our research work on sustainability, energy and biodiversity as well as related policy expertise in the EU and UN level, we provide research skills, policy assessment, synthesising work as well as policy advocacy with a complex overview. We also bring in our project management skills which we developed through over 50 EU and international donor projects.


Science-policy-business interface

As a result of our over 15 years of experience, we have worked with policy, research and business actors and have involvement in relevant interfaces. We also aim to tear down the silos and ensure sectors and various fields can reach each other’s information.


Efficiency and flexibility

Our core values include efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility, which we aim to achieve through time (and money)-saving practices including thorough planning and preparation, immediate reactions, and modern project management practices.


Needs-based and impactful

Our other core value is to provide need-based research striving for to have an impact in transforming our world and society to respond for global challenges.


Simplicity in complexity

We provide a complex and thorough analysis, but also with a synthesis that stresses the main messages so you will not need another expert to explain it to you.


Reflexivity and transformation

We aim to do what we preach for, we reflect on our practices, donate to ground-breaking initiatives and instead of profit searching, we focus on our impacts on transformative practices.

Our Projects

Co-Bio news: Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden

GreenFormation Kft., together with its associated partners, Transition Wekerle civil organisation, Kiserdő Egyesület, and volunteers, continues the“Wekerle, természetesen!” (Wekerle, naturally!) event series, bringing practical knowledge on urban biodiversity to the local community. On February 8, we held the second event called “Bird-Friendly Gardens – How Can We Help Our Feathered Friends?”, focusing on ways to…

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GreenFormation is on board to tackle invasive alien species

Two ambitious multi-stakeholder projects that aim to tackle the threat of invasive alien species have been launched at a conference in Europe. OneSTOP project aims to tackle the threats caused by invasive alien species (IAS) on terrestrial ecosystems, while its sister project, GuardIAS will cover marine and freshwater-related challenges, thus both of these projects will…

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DAISY kicked off

One of our three new Horizon projects, DAISY had its kick-off meeting last week in Coventry, United Kingdom. DAISY’s objective is to test and compile intervention mixes (social-digital innovations, regulations, financial incentives) to influence social norms and values and drive systemic change for biodiversity and equity promotion. During the kick-off eight project partners from six…

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Our Team

Tamara Kovacs

Tamara Kovacs


Tamara graduated in nature conservation engineering and has a keen interest in urban ecosystem services, which is the focus of her research. She assessed ecosystem services provided by the green areas of Budapest and contributed to ecosystem services research projects on highways and forest and grassland ecosystem services. Tamara also has vast experience working with multinational corporations. She is also a hiking and running fan.
Agnes Zolyomi

Agnes Zolyomi


Agnes has degrees in geography and environmental policy currently pursuing a PhD in ecosystem services and behaviour sciences. As an expert of the European Commission and IPBES she has worked on ecosystems, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, and coordinated several EU projects. Her key expertise is related to qualitative ecosystem services evaluation, environmental policies and impact assessments. She is also a certified organisational developer and facilitator, and a language enthusiast working on Chinese proficiency.
György Pataki

György Pataki


György Pataki was trained as a social scientist, with a university degree in economics and a doctoral degree in management and organisation sciences. He studied ecological, environmental and international economics, and public policy at Karl Marx University of Economics (currently Corvinus University of Budapest), Erasmus University (Rotterdam), University of Cambridge and the Schumacher College (UK). He has been affiliated as a university lecturer and researcher with various academic institutions in Hungary for 25 years and has an experience with international projects in the sustainability research field for 20 years. He is an amateur gardener enjoying his learning journey with nature.
Veronika Kiss

Veronika Kiss


Veronika is an ecologist and has a PhD in ecological economics. She has over 15 years of research and policy experience in the international environmental arena working with the UN, the EU and national governments. Her key expertise lies in sufficient energy use and economic transformation as well as quantitative evaluation. She is also an ardent mountain climber and a mum of two.
  • Procurement

  • Assessment

  • Policy expertise

  • Stakeholder facilitation

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Should you have a relevant project idea or initiative or in need of a CEE partner for a project, please get in touch.


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Should you have a relevant project idea or initiative or in need of a CEE partner for a project, please get in touch.

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